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Light'n Race puts a scientific spin on classic car racing!  Explore solar energy, play with the physics of light (think reflection and refraction), and understand all the forces like friction and speed that affect your car.


How do you power your racer? Get creative! Strategically control mirrors to direct the most light for your car's solar panels. The more light you harness, the faster you'll go.

Light'n Race isn't just about winning; it's about discovering the awesome potential of renewable energy and the fun of using your brain to solve challenges. We want kids (and adults!) to see that protecting our planet can go hand-in-hand with exciting playtime.


This game is about being productive, not just consuming. Think, experiment, and race your way to victory, all powered by clean energy!

Unlimited Fun


Light'n Race makes science the star of the show! Kids learn how solar panels turn sunshine into power, experiment with mirrors to direct light, and even get a real-world feel for the physics that make their cars go fast (or slow!).  It's more than racing; it's about using your brain in creative ways to understand how things work. It shows that learning about science can be seriously fun!


Light'n Race turns kids into engineers!  They don't just race, they have to think carefully about the design of their track and the way they place their mirrors.  It's all about maximizing the sunlight hitting the car, so clever placement is key.  Players learn problem-solving skills, figuring out how to build the most efficient setup for powering their vehicle and taking home the win.

Light'n Race puts a spotlight on technology! The whole game is built around understanding how solar panels work, which is pretty cool tech all on its own.  Players get to think like engineers when they position their mirrors, learning how to get the most out of the sun's energy. The end result? Powering their car and getting that winning speed! Light'n Race makes technology hands-on and exciting.


Light'n Race educational toy set

Light'n Race makes math an adventure! The players experiment with the power of angles. They learn to strategically position their mirrors to capture the most light. This means thinking about how light bounces and calculating the best angles to make their car go the fastest. Light'n Race shows how math skills are used in the real everyday world, making calculations part of the fun!




Discover the challenge

teacher and kids trying Light'n Race learning about STEM and Sustainability

Collaboration fuels victory! Teams strategize, master the science of light, and build a path to the finish line together.

hands-on Fun Learning with Light'n Race

Forces are at play in this thrilling race! Experimentation with light and speed reveals the physics behind the action.

3 Sets Available

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